Dr. sc. mus. Monika Nöcker-Ribaupierre                                        Freies Musikzentrum München


Books and book chapters - selected publications


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M., Scheytt-Hölzer, N. (2021): Musik und Musiktherapie in der Schmerztherapie [Music and music therapy in pain therapy]. In: K. Kieselbach, S. Wirz, M. Schenk (Hrg) Multimodale Schmerztherapie. Ein Praxislehrbuch. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer - in press


Shoemark, H., Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2021):  Growth and Identity on Music Therapy in the NICU: Pioneering Perspectives. Music and Medicine 13 (2),  pp 84-90 


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2021):   Hören, Entwicklung und Bedeutung [Listening, development and significance]. In: H.H. Decker-Voigt, E Weymann (Hrg): Lexikon Musiktherapie 3rd ed., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 44-48


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2021):  Neonatologie – Musiktheraoie für frühgeborenen und neugeborene Kinder [Neonatology – music therapy for premature and newborn infants].  In: H.H. Decker-Voigt, E Weymann (Hrg): Lexikon Musiktherapie 3rd ed., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 431-436


Jürgens, P., Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2021):  Geschichte der Musiktherapie in Deutschland [History of Music Therapy in Germany] In: H.H. Decker-Voigt, E Weymann (Hrg): Lexikon Musiktherapie 3rd ed., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 198-210


Spintge, R., Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2021): Schmerztherapie [Pain Therapy] In: H.H. Decker-Voigt, E Weymann (Hrg): Lexikon Musiktherapie 3rd ed., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 548-555


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (Ed.) (2019): Music Therapy for Premature and Newborn Infants. 

2nd ed.  Print and E-edition,  Gilsum NH: Barcelona Publishers  


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2019): The mother`s voice – a bridge between two worlds. 

In: M. Nöcker-Ribaupierre (Ed.) (2019). (2nd ed.) Music Therapy for Premature and Newborn Infants (pp. 135-158). Gilsum NH: Barcelona Publishers  


Haslbeck, F. Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M, Zimmer, M.L., Schrage-Leitner, L., Lodde, V.(2018): Music therapy in neonatal care: a framework for German speaking countries and Switzerland. Music and Medicine

In German: http://www.musiktherapie.net/musiktherapie.de/arbeitsfelder/neonatologie.html


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M.  (2017). Autobiography. In: J. Moreno (Ed.) Music Therapists of Our Times. Barcelona Publishers online


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2016): Музыкальная терапия в неонатологии. В: Наталья Андрущенко (ред.): Нейрореабилитация в младенчестве и раннем детстве. Современные аспекты междисциплинарной работы. Санкт-Петербург СПб.: Низская ст., сс. 59 - 72. [Music therapy in neonatal care. In: Natalia Andrushchenko (Ed): Neurorehabilitation in newborn and premature infants. Actual aspects of interdisciplinary work. St. Petersburg SPb.: Niz Art, pp.59 – 72] 

Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M (2016) (Ed): Oir, Despertar a la Vida. Buenos Aires:  Ed.Kier 


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M (2016): La voz materna, un puente entre dos mundos. Observations a corto y a largo de la estimulation auditiva con la voz materna. In M. Nöcker-Ribaupierre (Ed): Oir, Despertar a la Vida. Buenos Aires:  Ed.Kier, pp. 165-184


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2016): Recognition of music therapy in Europe. In: J. Edwards: Oxford  Handbook of  Music Therapy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 927-935 


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2015): The European Music Therapy Confederation: History and Development. In: Approaches: Special Issue: Music therapy in Europe: Paths of professional development, pp. 23-29


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. , Linderkamp, O. Riegel, K.P. (2015): The Effects of Auditory Stimulation with their Mother’s Voice on the Longterm Development of Premature Infants: A Prospective  Randomized Study. Music & Medicine 2015, 7(3), 20-25


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2015): Internationale musiktherapeutische Ansätze für frühgeborene Kinder. Musiktherapeutische Umschau 16 (2), 106-118


De Backer, J., Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M.,  Sutton, J. (2014): Music Therapy in Europe: The identity and professionalisation of European music therapy, with an overview and history of the European Music Therapy Confederation. In: J. De Backer & J. Sutton (ed.): The Music in Music Therapy. Psychodynamic Music Therapy in Europe. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers,  pp. 24-36


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2013): Premature Infants. In. J. Bradt (Ed.): Guidelines for Music Therapy Practice in Pediatric Care. Gilsum NH: Barcelona Publ. LLC , pp. 66-115


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M.(2013). Research Overview of German Speaking Countries. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, North America, 13, jul. 2013. Available at: https://normt.uib.no/index.php/voices/article/view/720/619. Date accessed: 03 Jul. 2013. 


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2012) (Hg): 2. überarb. Auflage: Hören – Brücke ins Leben. Musiktherapie mit früh- und neugeborenen Kindern. Forschung und klinische Praxis [Music Therapy for Premature and Newborn Infants. Research and Clinical Practice].  Wiesbaden: Reichert 


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2011): When Life begins too early: Music therapy in a Newborn Intensive Care Unit. In: A. Meadows: Development in Music Therapy Practice: Case Study Perspectives (pp.30-48). Gilsum NH: Barcelona Publishers 


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2011): The mother`s voice in early childhood: Implications for music therapy: A literature review. British Journal of Music Therapy 25 (1) pp 6-18


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M., Wölfl, A. (2010): Music to counter violence: a preventative approach for working with adolescents in schools. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 19 (2): pp 151-161


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2010): Muzykpterapia w neonatologii. Podstawy – badania naukowe – praktyka kliniczna. In: Gladyszewskiej-Cylulko, I. Czlulko, P.: Muzykuterapia. Tozsamosc, trangresja, transdyscyplinarnosc. pp115-124


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2007): The therapeutic use of sound at the beginning of life. In: I. Frohne-Hagemann (Ed): Receptive Music Therapy. (pp.267-276) Wiesbaden: Reichert 


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M., Patey. H. et al. (2007): The impact of culture on the training of music therapists. In: Jahrbuch Musiktherapie Bd. 3 Wiesbaden: Reichert (pp 145-168)


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (2004): The mother`s voice – a bridge between two worlds. 

In: M. Nöcker-Ribaupierre (Ed.) (2004). Music Therapy for Premature and Newborn Infants (pp. 97-112), Gilsum NH: Barcelona Publishers


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (Ed). (2004). Music Therapy for Premature and Newborn Infants. 

ISBN 1-891278-20-7.  Available from Barcelona Publishers. 



Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (1999): Short and longterm effects of the maternal voice on the behaviors of very low birth weight infants and their mothers as a basis for the bonding process. In: R.R. Pratt, D. Erdonmez Grocke (Eds): MusicMedicine 3, pp. 153-161. The University of Melbourne, Victoria/ Au 


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M. (1998): Premature birth and music therapy. In: T. Wigram, J. De Backer (Eds): Clinical Application of Music Therapy in Developmental Disability, Paediatrics and Neurology (pp. 47- 68). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers 


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M . (1995): Auditive Stimulation nach Frühgeburt. Ein Beitrag zur Musiktherapie [Auditive stimulation after preterm birth. A contribution to music therapy]. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer


Nöcker-Ribaupierre, M., Güntner, M., Riegel, K. P. (1987): The effect of the mother`s voice on the physical activity and the tcPO² of very  premature infants. Pediatric Research  22:221